Monday, July 13, 2009

Feelin' hot, hot HOT part 2

Sorry readers...this got posted before it was complete...that happens when the internet goes down!
Whew doggies...dang, it is HOT here in the Big Easy. Even though it's a balmy 94 degrees, the newscasters here say it feels like, "110." I feel like the Wicked Witch of the West because I am definitely melting. Tell, me why did I bother to blow dry my hair this morning--what was the point of that when it just got wet while outside? You know it's gonna be bad when the windows are sweating and your sunglasses fog up everytime you breathe out. Because, you know, I'm a VAL, I can take the heat, but Austin....whoo, talk about cranky! And our tour guide Benjamin, bless his little effeminate soul, kept stopping in the sunny, non-shady areas to talk. Who knows, maybe he was trying to get a tan while he worked (because Lord knows he could've used one!) Okay, sorry, the heat apparently has made mean-spirited as well -- sorry Benjamin!
Back to the task at hand -- Tulane. Austin felt that the school was still recovering from Katrina and still really didn't have their ducks in a row. Even though there were some very pretty buildings, they seemed somehow disconnected. There was not a "passion" feeling at the school -- maybe it was because there were no students there, or maybe it was the heat, or maybe it was the wave of crime they've been experiencing there, who knows? All I know is I liked it because I didn't feel fat there! Oh, wait, that has nothing to do with Tulane... Anyway, Austin said he didn't want to apply there. "But Austin," I remarked, "this is a safety school for you!" Come to think of it, it's really not a safety if you have no intention of ever going there, right?
Well, readers, we have a treat! My friend has taken his son a a trip through the Ivies this last week and he is going to be a guest blogger! I don't want to mention his name because I don't want to out him (no, not THAT way!) In case he doesn't get a chance to blog, I don't want to put any pressure on him (TR -- no pressure, got that?!) But that will just give us another Californian perspective on Eastern schools.
Tomorrow, Emory.....

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